ACCC Product Recall Management | Facts Retail Services

Get your recalled products off the shelves

Product recalls are an infrequent but necessary action to take when an infringing product has been identified and needs to be removed from shelves and circulation within the retail environment. If you are faced with a product recall and wishing to execute this task quickly and efficiently, Facts is a key facilitator of ACCC product recall management. Find out how we can help to get your products out of stores as fast as possible.

Get your recalled products off the shelves

If your company has been ordered to implement a product safety recall by the ACCC, Facts are here to help. Our field teams are located all over Australia and are available to remove every last infringing item from retailers nationwide. Our team is incredibly reactive to this task having carried out many product recalls and will educate your team on each step we are taking and how they can respond to customer questions should they arise. For a national rollout, we ensure that all infringing items are removed within a week.


What does a product recall company do?

Our retail merchandisers have a strategic approach to ACCC product recalls. We will quickly remove your recalled products from grocery stores, supermarkets, department stores, chemists and specialty retailers. By executing a swift ACCC product recall, you will comply with product recall laws and reduce the negative impact of litigation that typically results from a faulty or contaminated product. Our quick service ensures that there is as little downtime as possible, allowing your store to maximise sales.




How much does a product recall cost?

Depending on the type of product and reach of distribution, the cost of implementing an ACCC product recall can vary greatly, as can the ramifications if you do not act appropriately. Getting your products off the shelves as quickly as possible is the best solution to reduce the risk of legal issues arising from consumers affected by the offending product, such as those that have suffered food poisoning from contaminated produce.

Even if you don’t have an outstanding recall notice, contact Facts today to discuss how we can help in future cases. Get Facts as your go-to for product recall procedure planning so if anything does get recalled, you can get us onto it immediately.